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Training Plans

We encourage people to follow training plans. We have two recommended training plans (A and B) based on the upcoming races of Bearathon (March 19) and then the Silos District Half (April 22). Training plan A is for those just getting started on the running journey, while Training plan B is for more experiences runners.  However, it is important to remember these are just guidelines. Every athlete is an individual and may need to tailor these plans up or down. We are happy to give advice if you have questions.  We have also included several historic training plans followed by members in this club and by professional runners across the country if you want to see how others are doing it. Again please keep me in mind everyone is an individual, has a different background, and a different context. There are some basic principles that apply to any runner, and many things that are specific to an individual. 

(Jan-March 2022)

(Feb-March 2022)

Runner From Above
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